Executive Order on Protecting Journalistic Integrity and Freedom
Reaffirming Press Freedom, Ensuring Transparency, and Preventing Interference
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
In an era where the truth is often overshadowed by agendas, where the voices of the people are too often drowned out by the interests of the powerful, and where trust in our institutions continues to erode, the role of journalism has never been more vital—or more vulnerable. The media is the heartbeat of our democracy, a reflection of our shared reality, and a bridge between the governed and those who govern. Yet, when journalists are constrained by fear of reprisal, corporate mandates, or political influence, the bridge begins to crumble, and the people are left without the information they need to hold power accountable.
This is not merely a concern of politics or policy; it is a concern of the soul of a nation. A free and independent press does not belong to corporations or to governments—it belongs to the people. It is their beacon of hope, their shield against corruption, and their connection to the truth. When that freedom is compromised, so too is the promise of a government by the people, for the people.
But let us not dwell only on concerns, for within every challenge lies the opportunity for renewal. This Executive Order is a call to courage—for journalists to pursue truth without fear, for media organizations to honor their sacred responsibility to inform rather than manipulate, and for the public to reclaim trust in the institutions that serve them. It is a shield for those who dare to shine light into the darkness and a promise to the American people that their voices will not be silenced, their concerns will not be ignored, and their right to the truth will be protected.
We cannot build a stronger democracy without a foundation of trust, and we cannot restore trust without accountability, integrity, and unwavering support for those who seek the truth. In this defining moment, we choose to stand with the journalists, the truth-tellers, and the defenders of democracy, ensuring that their courage will never be punished and their pursuit of truth will always be protected. For the truth is not an inconvenience to be managed—it is the cornerstone of a free and fair society.
Let this Order serve as a reminder that the fight for truth is the fight for justice, for equity, and for the enduring promise of our democracy. Together, we will safeguard the freedom of the press and the integrity of our nation, one story, one truth, one voice at a time.
Section 1. Purpose
The purpose of this Executive Order is to protect the freedom of journalists and news anchors to report on matters of public interest without fear of reprisal, to ensure media organizations uphold journalistic integrity, and to rebuild trust in the press by addressing undue corporate, political, or financial influence on reporting.
Section 2. Journalistic Autonomy
(a) News anchors, reporters, and journalists shall have the right to investigate and report on stories of public interest without interference or censorship from media executives, advertisers, or external political entities.
(b) Media organizations are prohibited from terminating or disciplining journalists for reporting factually accurate stories that challenge corporate or political interests.
Section 3. Anti-Reprisal Protections
(a) Journalists who face termination or other punitive actions for pursuing or presenting factual reporting shall be granted whistleblower protections under federal law.
(b) Media organizations found in violation of these protections shall face penalties, including:
- Monetary fines proportional to the organization’s revenue.
- Suspension or revocation of federal broadcasting licenses for repeated offenses.
(c) A large portion of the fines recovered from media organizations found in violation of these protections shall be allocated to support the affected journalists, providing substantial financial assistance during their job search and ensuring their livelihood is protected.
Section 4. Transparency in Media Ownership
(a) All media organizations shall publicly disclose ownership stakes and any significant financial or political affiliations to ensure transparency and public awareness of potential biases in reporting.
(b) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) shall oversee compliance and publish an annual report on media ownership disclosures.
Section 5. Establishment of the Office of Media Oversight (OMO)
(a) The Office of Media Oversight (OMO) is hereby established to:
- Investigate complaints of undue interference or reprisals against journalists.
- Provide confidential reporting mechanisms for journalists facing internal pressure or retaliation.
- Conduct audits of media organizations to assess adherence to journalistic integrity standards.
(b) The OMO shall submit an annual report to Congress and the President summarizing the state of journalistic freedom and compliance with this Order.
Section 6. Public Accountability Reporting
(a) Media organizations shall dedicate a minimum of 30% of their airtime to covering stories identified as significant through public polling or other participatory mechanisms.
(b) Public polling data shall be collected independently and transparently to reflect the genuine concerns of the population.
Section 7: Combating Online and Physical Harassment While Protecting Public Privacy (Newly Added)
1. Journalists as Guardians of Public Awareness
- Journalists and media organizations shall serve as the first line of identification for harmful online activities, including:
- True threats: Serious threats of violence directed at individuals or groups.
- Doxxing: The malicious dissemination of private or identifying information that endangers individuals.
- Incitement of violence: Online content or activities explicitly encouraging violence against specific targets, including journalists.
- Media organizations and independent journalists are encouraged to report verified cases of such harmful conduct to designated federal agencies for investigation and action.
2. Strict Federal Safeguards Against Overreach
- Federal agencies, including the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), may only act on verified reports of illegal conduct submitted by journalists, media organizations, or independent reporting mechanisms.
- Investigations shall be narrowly tailored to address the specific harm reported, with no authority to engage in mass surveillance of the internet or public communications.
3. Independent Oversight and Accountability
- To prevent overreach and protect constitutional freedoms, an Independent Oversight Committee shall be established. The committee will be composed of:
- Representatives from journalism organizations.
- Constitutional and privacy law experts.
- Public representatives appointed through a transparent process.
- The Oversight Committee shall:
- Review federal agency actions to ensure compliance with this section.
- Provide annual public transparency reports detailing the number and nature of threats addressed, federal actions taken, and measures protecting public privacy.
4. No Mass Surveillance Clause
- Federal agencies are explicitly prohibited from engaging in any form of mass surveillance or monitoring of general internet activity under this order.
- All actions must strictly adhere to the protections provided by the First Amendment (freedom of speech) and the Fourth Amendment (protection against unreasonable searches and seizures).
5. Support for Journalists
- Journalists who report threats or harmful activities shall be protected under anti-reprisal provisions of this Executive Order.
- Federal agencies must provide confidential, streamlined reporting channels for journalists without interference in their work.
Section 8. Enforcement and Implementation (Updated to Reflect Section 7)
(a) The FCC, in coordination with the Office of Media Oversight (OMO) and the DOJ, shall develop guidelines to implement this Executive Order, including policies related to the protection of journalists from online and physical harassment, within 180 days of signing.
(b) Media organizations and technology platforms will be given a six-month grace period to align their internal policies with the provisions of this Order.
Section 9. General Provisions
(a) Nothing in this Order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
- The authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof.
- The functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This Order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This Order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Vincent Cordova
President of the United States
Blog Post: https://vincentcordova.com/blog/f/protecting-the-truth-safeguarding-journalists-defending-
Press Release: https://vincentcordova.com/press-release